quarta-feira, novembro 08, 2006


Movie Flash

Ed - Look, this is serious now. They're talking serious money...
Erin - And, what, I'm not serious?
Ed - You're emotional. You're erratic. You say any God damn thing that comes into your head. And I'm not saying that's bad. hat can be great; that can be a lot of fun...
Erin - "Fun?" Jesus, "fun?" I kill myself for a year and a half, hand you the best case of your life on a God damn silver platter, remind you of why you became a lawyer in the first place, and you think of me as "fun?"
Ed - Okay, now you're making this personal, and it isn't...
Erin - Not personal? That's my work in there, Ed. My sweat, my labor, my time away from my kids. If that's not personal, I don't know what is.

Honestamente... me identifico tanto com ela.
Erin - Not personal? That's my work in there, Ed. My sweat, my labor, my time away from my kids. If that's not personal, I don't know what is.

tirando a parte do kids (e tirando aquela "Ed - Fuck u / Erin - Fuck u back" que vc falou antes de eu sair.. hehehe), essa foi a melhor frase

aiai... bjinhos
Excelente filme, pelo que representa, Má!
Amo o filme Erin Brockovich! História realmente mto boa. As duas partes que eu mais gosto são: quando ela faz os advogados daquela empresa beberem a água contaminada e quando ela dá um ralo naquela advogada metida.

bjo, até mais
Acho qu esta foi a atução mais interessante de Roberts...
beijo e bom findi Má
porra nunca vi o filme e fiquei boiando com essa passagem. Cocô!
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